New Grandies

One of the greatest joys in life for grandparents – and carers who maintain a 'grandparenting' relationship – is nurturing a loving and unique relationship with their grandchild. 

New Grandies recognises the important role that grandparents and mentors play in the lives of students at Newington. All are warmly invited to join New Grandies – whether you are a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or family friend of a student at Newington.

We welcome your support as grandparents, whether it’s through contributing to our campaigns, attending our events, or being advocates and ambassadors for our Newington family.

New Grandies members receive regular updates about Newington College life and are invited to special events throughout the year, where they meet with other grandparents, hear from our educational leaders, and learn about how The Newington Foundation is investing in our children and in our school.

Joining New Grandies is free for the first year of your grandchild’s education. We hope that you will join us.