Library resources
Libraries play a vital role in giving our students real time access to reliable and relevant information, from their most early years in Wyvern and Lindfield, through to the students' senior years.
Despite widespread use of technology and the availability of online resources, our libraries help prepare our students to live and learn in a world of information. Our libraries are focused on ensuring that our students and our staff are able to use ideas and information.
Our libraries provide access to materials in all formats. They help increase our students' interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas. Research shows that a school library with the right staffing, funding, and a rich collection of books has a positive impact on students.
Libraries are very expensive to maintain, and we appreciate our Old Newingtonians, parents, and friends who provide practical financial support for our libraries.

The Archives Repository in the Concordia Centre provides the storage conditions needed to help ensure the archives’ long-term physical survival, along with adequate room for the collection’s growth.
We are also very reliant on the support of the Newington community to continue to donate items of historical significance or personal Newington memorabilia, to accurately capture the development of Newington College since 1863.
Your gifts will help to deliver the College’s Archive digitisation and preservation project.
The Newingtonian, The NC magazine, and other archive materials will preserve more than 150 years of content and enable researchers to access our history more readily. Also, in recording and publishing generational stories, we will honour and share our past with our Newington community.