Means-tested scholarships

Newington is a diverse and inclusive school. For generations we have supported students in need and their families through a Newington education. Our means-tested scholarship program embodies this commitment.

At Newington our diversity is our strength. The Newington Foundation aims to have in place by 2040 the means to provide 100 students of potential, with proven financial need, the opportunity of a Newington College education.

This is Newington’s social justice policy in action, and an active pursuit of Newington’s founding value of diversity. We invite you to support this goal.

The College currently has a modest scholarship program and several individual means-tested scholarships. These have been supported over many years by generous Old Newingotnians, parents and other members of our Newington community through tax deductible donations or as a gifts in wills through our Founders' Society program.

All gifts in support of our means-tested scholarship program are tax deductible and are endowed. From the investment earnings, full or partial scholarships are awarded to Newington students from Years 7 to 12 whose family financial circumstances would not otherwise give them access to a Newington education.

Some of our generous benefactors, during their lifetime or in their will, gift the Newington Foundation sufficient funds to endow a named scholarship with specific criteria, as agreed to and accepted by the College. Gifts which create endowments ensure that your generosity will have an impact for students in perpetuity. Endowed gifts can be named to create a legacy, honour a family member or to pay tribute to a loved one. When a gift is endowed, the corpus remains intact and a portion of the annual return is used to cover the award given to the students.

For more information about endowed scholarships or to include a gift in your will, please contact the Development Office.

You are warmly invited to contribute towards the means-tested scholarship program.

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